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CCLC Missions

June Johnson, Ukraine

June Johnson 

LeutzestraBe 57 73525

Schwabish Gmund

Deutschland Germany

Grace is simply another word for God's tumbling, rumbling reservoir of strength and protection. It comes at us not occasionally or miserly but constantly and aggressively, wave upon wave.

Max Lucado


God’s grace within Ukraine – Despite the war and electrical outages 8 – 12 hour a day, so many ministries continue to share and show God’s love.  In the midst of danger and unknown, the 7 ministries that we help continue to plan and reach out.  Below are texts of thanksgiving that came from within.


A message from a work with unchurched children in central Ukraine. Your support bought supplies and facilitated outreaches. After receiving 2 boxes, he wrote – “Hello! Thank you, dear sister!! This is so necessary!!! We have already started preparations with the team - and it was about craft materials that we prayed for at the last meeting! Thank you!” 


A message from a work among orphans, refugees and those with disabilities in central Ukraine. Your gifts equip the ministry both with supplies and finances. Soon after receiving a couple boxes, she wrote, – “Greetings! We were in dire need of craft supplies. It's just great!!! We plan to hold 2 summer camps for children in different villages, as well as continue work with children in an orphanage.”


A message from a pastor in central Ukraine.  Your giving facilitated 2 outreaches – “I greet you in Christ! In June we held a children’s camp. 70% of children who attended come from families where parents do not attend church.  We were also able to hold a camp for women from the Church and refugees. Thank you for these possibilities to share more deeply about the saving love of God!”


A message from the Ukraine Christian Medical Association who work alongside local churches to help civilians living in small villages throughout the country. We support their work through shipping humanitarian aid.  – “It is not easy to live in Ukraine now. But the people who live here are sincerely grateful for all the help!”


A message from the Church of Grace in Kiev – “Thank you for the financial support!  With it we bought fuel. The gas allows us to continue traveling to 2 villages for weekly services. Also, we could take the youth group to a conference. The fellowship and encouragement are so needed at this time.”


A message from Prespectiva 21.3 – a Christian vocational center in Kiev for young adults with mental disabilities – “Thank you!  With your financial support, we bought humanitarian aid supplies for more than 100 families who have children with disabilities.  Our students packed the supplies and also helped in distribution.”

Grace - Undeserved favor


God’s grace to our group - God’s freely given kindness towards Ukraine refugees in Europe happened again this summer. Your support helped to facilitate a 5-day retreat in Croatia for 100+ Ukraine refugees with special needs. A mother of 2 daughters who have cerebral palsy asked me to tell you - “For the opportunity to gather at the sea; enjoy spiritual food from the program; have good conversations, rest & swimming. Thank you!”


Grace – “…a one-time gift of forgiveness and a lifetime gift of God’s presence.”

Max Lucado


God’s grace towards me - I can see His presence and purpose so well in the rearview mirror.  God’s grace towards me happened in 3 big ways this summer.  The first gift was in June.  As I’ve written before, Katharina and her parents found me in my mess & stress that first year (2022). They offered a life rope of help, friendship, their home and time. For the past 2 years, Katharina and I talked about traveling to Oregon but both of us had zillion unanswered questions about how that could possibly happen.


However, in February, when Germany granted my residency permit for another year, I knew I could stay.  So, we began working towards it. One by one our questions were answered and on June 1st we flew to Oregon.


It was a wonderful yet very purposeful trip. It was time to see my doctors & dentist, get my own medical supplies and gather humanitarian aid. Beyond that I craved unscheduled time and rest. For Katharina, it was her first time in the USA, and it seems she left a piece of her heart in Gearhart.


God’s grace came again in early July during the Croatia retreat (mentioned above).  While I had been invited in the spring to join as a medic, honestly, I did not want to go. The whole trip sounded exhausting. But when I heard that only 1 medic could come from Ukraine, I knew I needed to go.  Nearly graduated from medical school, Julia was a gem who quickly & quietly did a lot to help. I was grateful to God for His grace towards us in that the medical problems were minor. 


Then, 2 weeks later, God’s loving kindness simply overwhelmed me. While another road trip in late July did not sound fun, I am so glad God got me there.  The organization I work through – Christian Missionary Fellowship Int. (CMFi) celebrated 75 years this year.  A vision of the director was fulfilled when, for the first time, everyone gathered in one place at one time. So, for 5 days in Malaga, Spain ‘One Summit’ was held. Representing 25 countries, 184 missionaries & their children and all of those who work at the home office came together.


From the opening program to the last hour, I was blessed. It was fun! I got to hug CMF’ers I haven’t seen for 20+ years and meet a lot of neat new people. It was interesting!  The variety of workshops offered were engaging. It was filling! There was good food for the soul and my body enjoyed resting.  It was impressive! It is one thing to read about the ministry CMF is involved in around the world, it’s another thing to meet and hear them first-hand. 


The biggest gift I was given, though, was support.  During a personal prayer time with friends, they recognized that I was very very tired. While I had tried over the past two and half years to change the situation, basically I remained on call 24/7 with resulting fatigue.


God’s grace wrapped around me that hour. During the remainder of the week a plan was made and approved.  Of course, I was thrilled to have the complete understanding and support of the group upon my return.  In short, I now have weekends off and it has made a beautiful difference!  The song below matches how I feel.


“If I could make just one request

 that would mark all the days I have left,

I'd rather not be known for treasures and fame

or trophies and accolades I know will fade.

Instead I would rather be known

by the kindness and love that I show,

to be known for patience and long suffering;

a giver of life by the words that I speak.

So with every breath you give to breathe,

I pray it's your glory that they see.

And of all the words this world could say,

may they say I am full of grace.

I'll be the first to confess I'm not always found at my best.

But Lord be my strength in those moments I'm weak

and I'll keep on giving the grace I've received.

And finally when I see your face and I've reached the end of my race,

 I don't want to be known for finishing strong.

But as someone that your grace carried all along.”


Morgan Harper Nichols – A Prayer For Grace.

A link for this song…


CMF blog


Blessings, June


CMF INTERNATIONAL  is a global mission team at work in 26 countries creating dynamic, Christ-centered communities. 

Hand in Hand Farm


                                      Hand In Hand Farm has been partnering with Christ Community for almost ten years now.  

                                      We appreciate the mission support, but the greater blessing has been that of having a safe church                                        to bring vulnerable families to so that they can experience the love and support of a church family                                          while they learn about God and Jesus. Christ Community has been that church family. 

                                      When you look out over the sanctuary during the service, one sees a lot of grey hair.  The uninformed would think that this is a church on the way out, elders without another generation to succeed them.   What they don’t see are all of the grandparents here, ready to nurture the future generations that are brought through these doors. 

Most of you have heard about Hand In Hand Farm through our presentations.  If you want to find out more about what we do, it’s easy to Google us and find our website and Facebook page.  However, it’s more important to us that you know about YOUR role in what comes AFTER Hand In Hand Farm, the church family that’s needed to provide support for families for the rest of their lives. 


                             Hand In Hand Farm     35105 Ede Road, Lebanon, OR 97355   541-451-1243                                                                           Visit our website:                                                                                                                                Share and like our page on Facebook!:                                                                           Sign up for our email mailing list! 

Dave athena.png

Lutheran World Relief

 Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Fill Up The Tub!

It’s time again to fill up our tub with items for the Personal Care Kits,  Baby Kits and School Kits for Lutheran World Relief.

You can help just by picking up a few extra items when you are out shopping.                     

Every extra bar of soap, box of crayons or pair of baby socks contributes to our efforts.

Place your donated items in the galvanized tub located in The Gathering Place (Fellowship area).

Thank you for your ongoing help with this Mission project!

All items listed are the only items LWR will accept in their  kits. We appreciate your donations of these specific items.

Personal Care Kit

  •  Adult size toothbrushes in original packaging

  • Sturdy combs

  • Metal nail clippers

  • Bath-size towels and hand towels in dark colors

Baby Care Kit

  •  Light weight cotton T-shirts            (no onesies)

  • Long or short sleeved gowns or sleepers (without feet). Sizes up to 18 months

  • Jackets, sweaters or sweatshirts with hood or include baby cap

  • Pairs of socks

  • Hand towels (dark colors)

School Kit

  •  70-sheet notebooks wide or college rule

  • Rulers (30 centimeters on one side)

  • Pencil sharpeners

  • Blunt scissors

  • #2 pencils with erasers

  • Black or blue pens (no gel ink)

  • 2.5 inch erasers 

  • Box of 16 or 24 crayons

Affirming God’s love for all people, we work with Lutherans and partners around the world to end poverty, injustice and human suffering.

Operation Christmas Child

The Amazing Journey of a Shoebox Gift Begins with You and Results in Evangelism, Discipleship, and Multiplication.

Operation Christmas Child  “Shoeboxes”

A reminder —  we have a collection box in the church’s Gathering Place for any items donated for our packing party. The shoeboxes are available for you to pick up and fill.  Suggested items for each age level are listed by the boxes.                                                       

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